Below is a list of the locations that crews are welcome to meet runners. Runners must not be crewed or supported at any other point than those listed below. More detailed rules for crews can be found in the infopacks. (Please note this list is subject to change at any time. Organisers reserve the right to add or remove locations without any prior notice).
Please see the video here for details on what the terms crews, pacers and supporters mean and where and when the three groups are permitted at our events.
Crews are in no way essential at this event, we look after you with fully stocked aid stations, medical support and plenty of volunteers to help you on your way. However, having a crew can provide a psychological lift and ensure that you have the food and drink you prefer and changes of clothing along the way.
Crews must follow all of the rules and regulations of the race, including the Rules, Rules for Crews and any supplementary instructions issued in pre-race memos or at the race briefing. All crew members must willingly comply with all instructions from race staff at all points along the trail and its access routes, including parking regulations, or risk disqualification of their runner.
The runner is directly responsible for all of the actions of his or her crew throughout the duration of the event.
A crew member is defined as any individual who provides material support to a runner during the event.
Crew vehicles must be a maximum size of a Long Wheel Base transit or transporter. No Motorhomes for any reason.
Crews may meet runners or assist them ONLY at the points listed on this page. The aid station locations and many other points on the course are remote and too small to handle ANY additional parking. If your crew do assist you outside of the permitted points, you the runner will be disqualified. PLEASE ensure your crew do not break this rule - you will threaten the future of the race by doing so. YOU are responsible for the actions of your crew. We cannot make this any clearer, if your crew attend anywhere outside areas deemed as permitted crew access, you risk disqualification from the event. We get people every year who are fully aware of the rules and continue to disobey them. It threatens the future of the event so please ask them not to do it.
Runners may only have one crew vehicle attend to them at any one location eg. only one crew vehicle may be on course at any time, but that vehicle may change throughout the race.
Crews must always drive at safe speeds.
Crews must never park illegally on the road, or in such a way as to block traffic, access to the trail or checkpoint, or other parked cars.
Littering of any kind at any checkpoint, along the trail, or at the finish line is strictly prohibited.
Crews should be equipped with torches and first aid kits.
As the day progresses, crews should take care of themselves as well as they take care of their runners. Adequate hydration, regular meals and appropriate clothing will keep crew members happier, stronger and focused on the needs of their runner.
Cut off times apply only at aid stations. Listed cut offs at crew only locations are simply a guide and will not be enforced.
Race HQ is at Farnham Leisure Centre. The race itself starts at the trail head of the North Downs Way. Signs will be in place over race weekend indicating the route from registration to the start line.
There is a car park at the northern end of Shalford Park, on the A281/ Shalford Road, which is free at weekends. Crews are advised to Park there and walk the short distance south to where the North Downs Way/ Course cuts across the sports fields. Crews may meet runners east of the bridge over the River Wey, and West of the Shalford Road. Under no circumstances should crews park or crew runners on the Pilgrims Way/ east of that road crossing.
Crews may tend to runners along the ridge of Box Hill/ View Pt. Around the trig point in the clearing and on the trail is best, but between the top of the steps coming from the west and the next set of steps headed east is permitted.
Crews may park anywhere in Merstham including along Rockshaw Road.
Parking at Otford Station. Runners may be crewed anywhere on Otford High Street from the roundabout up until the crossing of Pilgrims Way East, 50 yards after the right turn off of Station Rd.
The aid station is at Wrotham Cricket Club - in the pavilion. Crew may park along the road outside and attend to runners at the cricket club itself.
This is approximately 100 metres from the old location on the Village Common.
Around 100 metres after the turn off from Wouldham Road, there is a layby on the right hand side of Nashenden Farm Lane, heading south. This is the best place for parking. Here, the course and the NDW are on the road, having emerged from the underpass beneath the M2/ Medway Bridge, and made the left turn in to Nashenden Farm Lane. At the bottom of the road, the course/ NDW turn sharp right to go through the farm.
Leave the M2 at junction 3 and follow the signs for Blue Bell Hill village off the A229. Turn right at the end of the village opposite the public house and the site entrance is on the left. The car park is locked after 1700. So you will need to park along the road (please do so sensibly) and walk through to the car park/ trail alongside it to access your runner. The course runs directly across the grass in front of the car park.
Runners will make a full lap of the track to finish in front of the Grand Stand. Supporters are invited in to the Stadium to watch their runners finish.